types of aquarium catfish Complete Guide 2022
Aquarium Catfish are one of the most popular freshwater fish. These fish have a tendency to grow very large, so it’s important to consider the space they will take up in your tank before purchasing them. These catfish are carnivores and need live food (such as shrimp or bloodworms) in order to thrive. If you can’t provide this for them, be prepared…
what temperature should my fish tank be?
In this article, we will cover how to keep your fish tank at the right temperature. It is important to know how fast the water is heating up so you can set your heater accordingly. The article talks about some general rules for setting the temperature for your tank but also gives information on how to adjust it based on what type of fish you have…
How to Clean Aquarium Sand? The best way
how to clean aquarium sand The best way to clean aquarium sand is to use a siphon Before cleaning the sand, however, it’s important to identify what type of sand you have. This will help determine how to clean it so that you don’t do damage that’ll need repairing later on down the road.
If your aquarium sand is looking a little less than…
how to clean a betta fish tank 2021
Betta Fish is a cruel fighting fish that need special care and not suitable for beginners, but if you already have a betta fish such as Siamese fighting fish or labyrinth fish, in this article we will find a lot of information that will help you to know this fish more and care for it in a proper way. As we said before, betta fish tends to fight…
Best Turtle Tank Filters 2021 Ultimate Guide
Like any fish aquariums, there must be a high-quality filter turtle aquarium should have too. Turtles aren’t clean and they make a lot of waste inside the aquarium therefore they don’t have a healthy environment to thrive so you do need a high-quality filter to clean the water inside the tank or the water will get dirtier and this will impact the…
Best Low Light Aquarium Plants in 2021 complete guide
Best low light aquarium plants Finally, you have made your mind and decided you will have plants in your aquarium. when you start looking for plants you will find out that there are different species. Some can thrive in low light and others need much light. In this article, we will cover everything about low-light aquarium plants. We will cover…
how to get rid of snails and slugs in fish tank?
How to get rid of snails in aquarium some kinds of snails are a pain in the head for most the people such as Pond Snails, Rams Horn Snails, and Trumpet Snails. Although it has an adorable look when you see it outside of your tank a week later it can rapidly fill the tank. So in this article, we will see how we can get rid of these snails and…
Best Heater For 20 Gallon Aquarium 2022
best 20 gallon aquarium heater we will discuss in the article obviously Your aquarium's temperature is a significant factor in the comfort and well-being of your fish. Fish do not create their own body heat, unlike humans and other mammals. They are dependent on the water's temperature for maintaining the temperature of their body. This makes it…
what is the best aquarium heater 2021?
The aquarium heater is an essential accessory for any aquarium as fish in an aquarium can’t maintain their body temperature according to their environment. so it’s important to have an electric heater in your aquarium except if you have a cold-water fish.
Almost all modern heaters heat the water automatically as they have a temperature sensor…
How many fish in a 55 gallon saltwater tank? 2021
A 55-gallon tank provides far more options when compared to smaller tanks, such as 5 gallon tanks and 10 gallon fish tanks.
Large tanks like this are easier to maintain since the more water you have, the harder it is for pollutants to build up. They take longer to clean though – so you will need to set extra time aside for wiping the…